Monday, April 25, 2011

back to school

No, not that back to school.

I'll being doing a Q&A session via Skype with 150-ish first year medical students at the University of Nebraska this Thursday. The students will get to ask me questions about diagnosing ALS. I'll get to try to not embarrass myself or the professor who invited me. I'm fairly certain I know more about The Simpsons than ALS, but I shall try my best.

So, if you are a doctor-in-training at UNMC, go to your 9:00 lecture and I promise I'll be as entertaining as I can be without swearing.


Krista said...

Wow- good luck!

Christie Koester said...

So cool! Will you let us know some of the questions they asked and a summary of it all? Super cool! Way interesting too!

Ali said...

I would LOVE to be in that audience. Those are some lucky mothereffing students. Have fun!!!!!

ARupp13 said...

Hey Colin, I just wanted to thank you for Skyping in with us today. It was a real pleasure to meet you and hear your story. Best of luck, and I know lots of my classmates are new readers of the blog! Thanks again!

Austin Rupp

DocBlock said...

Hi! Thank you for skyping into our class this morning! Definitely, the most worthwhile lecture I've attended this year. Great to hear your story! I will be checking into your blog often. Thanks again!

colin said...

Austin & Doc Block - each of you gets 1,000,000 extra credit points!

Tom Brush said...

Today was way more interesting than usual thanks to your appearance on our big screen! Thank you for speaking with us. One question though - did Dr. Zimmerman ever tun the laptop enough for you to see the crowd? I was thinking about that the whole time!

Anyway, whether you saw who you were talking to or not, thanks again, and keep up the great blog.


colin said...

Tom, I could not see the class. However, I could see the screen... and the gigantic projection of my head on that screen. So, the whole time I was talking, I was looking at either Dr. Zimmerman or my own gigantic, disembodied head.

It was funny as hell.